Conteudo Cabeçalho Rodape

PEOPLE are our most treasured asset. They are the ones who innovate, learn and solve complex problems. Today we are wasting human resources. 

Brazil can believe in its peoples, and the Brazilian people can believe in their country. At the Lemann Foundation, day in and day out, we put our trust in people. We work with and for thousands of people, partners and organizations so everyone can have chance to grow, make a difference and fulfill their dreams. 

In the coming years we'll gather even more leaders and organizations dedicated to people with diverse and plural backgrounds. That's why we continue proposing and creating platforms for discussion. Brazil is a diverse country which inspires dreams and possibilities. Brazil can and will get there. The challanges are dauting, but our pontential is endless. 

This is where we give you quick overview of what we accomplished in 2018 alongsid our partners and organizations across Brazil.  
